The Cryptocurrency Fraud Learning Center

In 2023, Americans lost $1 billion in crypto to various scams, according to the Federal Trade Commission. Many clients we work with thought it could never happen to them. But what many people don’t know is that you can get scammed without giving a scammer any sensitive information. Scammers can be smart, but you can be smarter. Cryptocurrency fraud is preventable and we want to teach you how to spot and avoid a scam before it’s too late. 

If you’ve already been scammed through pig-butchering, SIM swapping, phishing, or another type of cryptocurrency scam, we’re here to help you learn how to recover your funds and pursue legal action. As experts in cryptocurrency fraud, our goal is to educate everyday people about the risks of cryptocurrency exchanges and other digital assets. In recent years, there’s been an uptick in scammers and sophisticated technology is making it harder for people to spot a scam. Cryptocurrency schemes and investment schemes are the most common types of scams, but with more knowledge about these scams, you’ll be able to secure your investments and scammers won’t pull a fast one on you as easily.